Back up your business online
Backing up your data is extremely important as your data is unique to your business. Losing your data forever it could be the end of your business! That is why online backup solutions are important. Online backup securely stores your files at an off-site server location. So, if you have the misfortune to lose your data, your data gets corrupt, your premises are struck by damage, or your hardware is stolen your data is still secure! Your data is encrypted when stored at the secure server with fully redundant power and internet connection.
Citipros monitoring and backing up our online backup solutions daily 24/7. Backups are automatic so you can’t forget to back up your data and you don’t have to worry about taking external drives home or burning CDs/DVDs. So, you are safe in the knowledge that your data is protected. The two main causes off data loss are hardware malfunction and human error. Maintaining your hardware and software is vital to your business as this can prevent data being lost and damaged. But having an online copy is a vital fail safe which can give you peace of mind.
In case of losing your data, you have secure access to the data 24/7 via the internet and if you need to restore any lost data it is relatively straight forward. Our online backup will prevent any headaches of lost data and is great value for money.
Contact us today find out more about our online backup solutions